Operation Scripta Scelera: all precautionary measures revoked, on October 8 the next hearing of the trial in Massa (Italy)

Operation Scripta Scelera: all precautionary measures revoked, on October 8 the next hearing of the trial in Massa (Italy)

After a few months without the publication of specific updates on the Scripta Scelera operation – which arose on August 8th, 2023, against the internationalist anarchist fortnightly ‘Bezmotivny’ – we inform that between July and August all the remaining precautionary measures against eight comrades were revoked. Let us briefly recall that prosecutor Manotti of the DDAA (‘District Anti-Mafia and Anti-Terrorism Directorate’) of Genoa had requested ten prison arrests for as many comrades involved in the proceedings, obtaining nine precautionary measures from the GIP (preliminary investigation judge): restrictive house arrest against four comrades and the obligation to stay in the municipality of domicile with the obligation to stay overnight at home for five others (for one, the measure had already ceased on March 29th due to expiry of the time limit). The operation also saw various aggravations of the measures, including translations to prison and house arrest, as well as the most recent mitigations (in obligation to stay in the municipality of domicile and obligation to sign at local barracks or police station, variously combined).

With an order of July 10th (in one case notified more than ten days later) the GIP of the Court of Genoa revoked the obligation to sign for three comrades (one was under the obligation to sign two days a week, two with the same measure but on a daily basis) and subsequently, at the beginning of August, the obligation to sign two days a week was revoked for another comrade. These four measures had been established by the GIP in May, replacing the previous ones (see the update ‘Operazione Scripta Scelera: aggiornamento sulle misure cautelari e sull’udienza del 24 maggio a Massa’).

Subsequently, on August 22-23rd, judge Garofalo of the Court of Massa ordered the revocation of the obligation to stay in the municipality of domicile with the obligation to sign on a daily basis for the last four comrades still under the measures (the comrades defendants in the trial with immediate judgement ongoing in Massa for articles 414, 270 bis 1 and 278 of penal code, requested by prosecutor Manotti and started on January 9th). Until April 22-23rd they were under restrictive house arrest (see ‘Operazione Scripta Scelera: disposto l’obbligo di dimora congiunto all’obbligo di firma per gli inquisiti agli arresti domiciliari restrittivi’).

A few words about the last hearing and the next one. On June 25th, Ginepro and Casadio of the DIGOS (‘General Investigations and Special Operations Division’, political police) of La Spezia reported, with the first one – like the superior inspector Pigoni in the previous hearing of May 24th – dwelling on the attribution to the comrades of the signatures or pseudonyms used in the fortnightly, as well as of the e-mail, and the second one delivering reports on the surveillance stakeouts carried out during the investigation phase near Circolo Culturale Anarchico ‘Gogliardo Fiaschi’ (an anarchist space in Carrara, opened in 1975), also referring to an ‘observation service’ for which the DIGOS did not find the report. The cross-examination by the defendants’ lawyers followed. After the postponement of the one scheduled for July 5th, the next hearing is set for Tuesday, October 8th (3.00 p.m., at the court of Massa, piazza De Gasperi).

Here are the account details for the solidarity fund and the e-mail address for organising benefit initiatives or receiving copies of the texts about Scripta Scelera. We refer to these writings for analyses on the operation against ‘Bezmotivny’ and how it is basically another ‘chapter’ in the Italian state’s war policies. In particular, we point out that are available copies of the document ‘Riflessioni scellerate’, by Gino Vatteroni (filed during the hearing of May 24th), recently printed as a pamphlet.

Postepay card number: 5333 1711 9250 1035 – IBAN: IT12R3608105138290233690253 – Account holder: Ilaria Ferrario – For contacts: solidaliscriptascelera[at]paranoici[dot]org

Solidarity with all anarchists and revolutionaries imprisoned or confined with restrictive measures! We persist in the fight against the state, capital and their wars!

PDF (IT, EN, DE): Operation Scripta Scelera: all precautionary measures revoked, on October 8 the next hearing of the trial in Massa (Italy)

[Received via e-mail and published at https://lanemesi.noblogs.org/post/2024/09/04/operation-scripta-scelera-all-precautionary-measures-revoked-on-october-8-the-next-hearing-of-the-trial-in-massa/ | Published in italian language at https://lanemesi.noblogs.org/post/2024/09/04/operazione-scripta-scelera-revocate-tutte-le-misure-cautelari-l8-ottobre-la-prossima-udienza-del-processo-di-massa/]

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(IT) Operazione Scripta Scelera: revocate tutte le misure cautelari, l’8 ottobre la prossima udienza del processo di Massa
(EN) Operation Scripta Scelera: all precautionary measures revoked, on October 8 the next hearing of the trial in Massa (Italy)
(DE) Operation Scripta Scelera: Aufhebung aller Vorsichtsmaßnahmen, nächste Gerichtsverhandlung im Massa-Prozess am 8. Oktober (Italien)