With Gianluca and Evelin. We Continue Our War Against the State and Capitalism (Italy)

With Gianluca and Evelin. We continue our war against the State and Capitalism

On Wednesday, March 16th, we learned of the arrest of anarchist comrades Gianluca and Evelin following a joint operation of ROS and DIGOS by order of the Genoa public prosecutor’s office.

Gianluca and Evelin are charged with “possession of deflagrant and explosive material, attempted manufacture of improvised explosive devices and possession of deflagrant material with the aim of attacking public safety” in conspiracy with others.

From one prosecutor’s office to another, attempts are always made to construct new accusations against the anarchists; diligent officials try to disentangle themselves with “mechanisms” and accusatory formulas among the unpredictable meanders of liberty. However, we are not interested in entering into the merits of the investigations.

Our idea does not stop in front of police intimidation, aware that in the spread of social war everyone is on the side chosen according to their own will and needs.

We express our closeness to the arrested comrades, extending our revolutionary solidarity to all imprisoned anarchists.

Anarchists in Cosenza
March 18th, 2022

PDF: With Gianluca and Evelin. We Continue Our War Against the State and Capitalism.

[Published by: https://fuoridallariserva.noblogs.org/post/2022/03/19/con-i-nostri-compagni-gianluca-ed-evelin-alcuni-comunicati/]