Update about the comrades arrested on March 16th: Evelin’s arrest order annulled and Gianluca’s confirmed (Italy)

Update about the comrades arrested on March 16th: Evelin’s arrest order annulled and Gianluca’s confirmed (Italy)

On April 6th was held the hearing of the re-examination court on the precautionary measures for Gianluca and Evelin, anarchist comrades accused of “possession of deflagrant and explosive material, attempted manufacture of improvised explosive devices and possession of deflagrant material with the aim of attacking public safety”, arrested on March 16th on a warrant from the public prosecutor’s office of Genoa and later transferred under house arrest.

Today, April 8th, the comrades were notified of the result of the hearing: the arrest order against Evelin was “annulled for lack of serious evidence of guilt”, therefore the comrade is released from house arrest, while it is confirmed for Gianluca, who remains under house arrest, without any change in the specific restrictions (no communication with persons other than close family members, no leaving the perimeter of the house even to buy food, no receiving correspondence, etc., and periodic checks by the police).

We remind that a solidarity fund has been activated to support the expenses of the comrades (currently the fund is only active on italian territory). The coordinates for sending contributions are:

Postepay account number: 4023 6010 2286 1819
Tax code: BGNPPL79M18E472O

Solidarity with Gianluca and all imprisoned anarchists!

[Published by: https://fuoridallariserva.noblogs.org/post/2022/04/08/aggiornamento-sui-compagni-arrestati-il-16-marzo-annullata-lordinanza-darresto-per-evelin-e-confermata-per-gianluca/]